Mara C

Mara C

Medical History Mara was born on 12/20/2013. The birth was by cesarean section at 38 weeks. Mara had difficulty adapting to the breastfeeding; she got tired too quickly! Seizures Mara was always very  complicated and even sometimes today at 10 years old she has...
Victor S

Victor S

Medical History Victor is born on May 9th 2014, 8 days overdue as the third child to the family. The birth was very uncomplicated and quite quick. As the third (and last) boy, life was pretty hectic and I (Victor’s mom) finished my bachelor degree in education...
Khavarii W.

Khavarii W.

Medical History Birth story – Khavarii was my second pregnancy, it was a pretty smooth going pregnancy, I was taking baby aspirin to prevent preeclampsia. Later on At the glucose testing I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I was then induced at 39 weeks 1...