Matteo C

Matteo C

Medical History Matteo was at 40 weeks because I, Simona, his mother, was left without amniotic fluid. Matteo’s growth in utero had already stopped for months. Born with a weight of 2.450 kg (5.4 lbs), he presented with Hypospadias. At two months, he was...
McKenna M

McKenna M

McKenna is our first born. My pregnancy with her was normal, but her delivery was difficult. She had shoulder dystocia and required intervention to be born. We were moments away from an emergency c-section. Despite all of this, she had great Apgar scores and all...


RJ is a 6-yr-old boy who lives in northern Mississippi with his parents and four siblings (two older and two younger.)  Medical History Elisa, RJ’s mother, had a normal pregnancy but went into labor a month early and gave birth at 36 weeks. For the first...