Mara C

Mara C

Medical History Mara was born on 12/20/2013. The birth was by cesarean section at 38 weeks. Mara had difficulty adapting to the breastfeeding; she got tired too quickly! Seizures Mara was always very  complicated and even sometimes today at 10 years old she has...
Victor S

Victor S

Medical History Victor is born on May 9th 2014, 8 days overdue as the third child to the family. The birth was very uncomplicated and quite quick. As the third (and last) boy, life was pretty hectic and I (Victor’s mom) finished my bachelor degree in education...
Khavarii W.

Khavarii W.

Medical History Birth story – Khavarii was my second pregnancy, it was a pretty smooth going pregnancy, I was taking baby aspirin to prevent preeclampsia. Later on At the glucose testing I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I was then induced at 39 weeks 1...
Matteo C

Matteo C

Medical History Matteo was at 40 weeks because I, Simona, his mother, was left without amniotic fluid. Matteo’s growth in utero had already stopped for months. Born with a weight of 2.450 kg (5.4 lbs), he presented with Hypospadias. At two months, he was...
McKenna M

McKenna M

McKenna is our first born. My pregnancy with her was normal, but her delivery was difficult. She had shoulder dystocia and required intervention to be born. We were moments away from an emergency c-section. Despite all of this, she had great Apgar scores and all...